I decided to make a script for updating my Cydia repo in a less cumbersome way. It used to be that I would have to update my bash script every time I wanted to add/update a package on my repo. This got to be tedious and all around unnecessary. In addition to my workflow obviously needing some improvement, I also saw it as an opportunity to brush up on my near non-existent bash skills.
Some goals I had in mind while making this:
Usage: ./update-repo.sh -m --commit-message
-m, --commit-message The git commit message
-g, --git-commit If passed, then commit changes
-p, --project-directory the theos project directory
-c, --clean-debs remove old debs i.e. no downgrade option
-h, -help display this help message
Example: ./update-repo.sh --commit-message 'rebuild packages' --project-directory my_tweak
Hopefully others will find this as useful as I have.